Discovery Exercises:
1. Explore World eBook Fair' site for FREE downloads from the Gutenberg Project. Michael Hart, Founder of the Gutenberg Project gives you this hint: Start with "Browse Collections". I recommend the Children's eBooks Collection or Kid's Page. [Note: it is free to look at the catalogs and cover images, but there is now a modest annual individual or group membership fee for actually opening a book and reading it.] Next, explore the Gutenberg Project itself and download books for free -- no fee, but a request for a donation. Compare the two sites.
2. Create a blog post about your findings.
Discovery Resources:
- LibriVox, audiobook versions of copyright-free books from the Gutenberg Project. Read by volunteers. Started in August 2005 by Hugh McGuire. Check it out!
- British Library Online Gallery includes digitized original classics. An audio feature allows a visitor to have the book read aloud. Don't miss the original version of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground. Mozart's Musical Diary includes 75 audio excerpts. Take the tour and encourage your students and colleagues to do so too! This resource is AMAZING.
- Check out "Best Places to Get Free Books" -- not fancy.
- The Online Books Place - University of Penn
- Read. Print. Online books, poems -- nice site!
- Idea #1: Introduce your students to one or more of the free, online ebook sites. Have them discuss which site, which book most interested them and why.
- Idea #2: Give students a choice of 5-10 eBooks to read or listen to, then report on the book and their experience using new (non-print) media.