School Library Learning 2.0 Participants (Blogs)
Listed on the lower right side column are the blog names of registered participants in CSLA's School Library Learning 2.0 program. For the purposes of this program, only the names are listed. Participants may choose to reveal or conceal their identity themselves as they wish through their blogs.
"Test Drivers" and the CSLA 2.0 Team*
Below are the original CSLA "Test Drivers" from around the state. Many thanks go to these volunteers who worked through the course on weekends and late at night so they could recommend clearer instructions, alert us to non-working links, and share their curriculum connections ideas. As CSLA "Test Drivers" completed the program, they became guides-on-the-sides to "cheer on" participants this summer. They also became members of the original CSLA 2.0 Team. In fact, all CSLA members who successfully complete the program join the CSLA 2.0 Team -- How hip is that?
CSLA 2.0 Team Leaders Connie Williams and Jackie Siminitus give special thanks to the following CSLA members: Doug Achterman,* Diane Alexander, Jamie Boston,* Andrea Catania, Rob Darrow,* Liz Dodds,* K.E. Hones, Thomas Kaun, Teresa Lai*, Judith Martin, Maria Petropulos, Jane Ritter, Robert Skapura, Deb Stanley, Alison Steinberg, Susan Thompson ... and their avatars!
Congratulations to the original 60-member CSLA 2.0 Team
They completed the "summer 2.0 fun" course by September 1, 2007 and then became mentors and cheerleaders for all those who came after them.
1. Alex-CSLA
2. BalerLibrary2.0
3. Bibliomaniac
4. California Dreamin' by Rob Darrow
5. Continuing Education!
6. dejongsplace
7. Happy Trails
8. Helen's World
9. Joan's School Library Learning
10. Let's Blog! Let's Podcast!
11. Library 2.0 test drive
12. Library Learner
13. Library Information Science
14. M1llion school library ideas
15. 2CoolTools
16. Napa High Books
17. OC Libraryland
18. PageSpace
19. whats up
20. redwoodlmt2
21. Goddess of Books
22. Resliblearning
23. kangaLMT2
24. Library Blog
25. Learning4library
26. Springaheadlibrary2
27. Bibliotecaria's Musings
28. Book-Case
29. CSULBcybrarian (0) (0)
30. TufRookie
31. library lady log lmt2
32. Stacks and Beyond
33. Our Library Moves Forward
34. Life-Long Learning
35. One Step Ahead
36. Web 2.0 Newbie
37. Queen's Quarters
38. LMT Techie in Progress
39. elmolibrary2
40. The Inquiring LMT
41. Harboring thoughts
42. Road Reader
43. Cardinal Reader
44. Becca's path
45. Book Lover 2.0
46. Jane the Librarian
47. KidsBooksblog
48. Book Diva 1
49. DebD at Ustach
50. Dragon Lady
51. DebD at Ustach
52. learningtrek
53. Ms Mac, Library Lady
54. Bookapalooza!
55. OWElibrary2
56. Comet librarian LMT2
57. newstuff4libr
58. 2 Roads Taken
59. libraryslim
60. librarycard
NOTE: The above list represents “test drivers,” “early birds,” “late comers,” and all CSLA member bloggers in between who successfully completed School Library Learning 2.0 by the end of summer 2007. Since then, the course has been offered in 2008, 2009, and 2010.