- Public Domain e-Books Search
- Rare Book Library Search
- Quick Quotes
- Explore other rolls here.

Traveler IQ Challenge. Want students to get an A++ in geography? Give them the Traveler IQ Challenge. But first, try it yourself and test your knowledge of names and places! Free challenges you can play include:
» World | » North America |
» Europe | » World Capitals |
» Canada | » Asia |
» UNESCO Sites | » Africa |
» Latin America | » Oceania/Australasia |
» Flags of the World | » Photos of the World |
» USA Challenge | » Amazing Race |
Mini-READ Poster Image Generator. ALA Graphics makes it easy to create miniture READ posters. Create one for yourself and invite others to join in on the fun. Use a digital camera for taking photos of teachers or teachers holding a favorite book. Then create a mini-READ poster for them. Students would love it too -- but be sure you have parental permission! Some librarians use this image for their school blogs.
Discovery Exercise:
- Explore Rollyo and create an account for yourself.
- Create a search roll for any subject you like. OPTIONAL: Add your searchroll to your blog using the "Create a Searchbox" tool. Select...Reference. Search The Web
- Create a post in your blog about your experience and link to your search roll. Can you see a potential use for tools like this?
- FreeRice.com -- an addicting online game that helps feed the hungry while increasing your knowledge. For each correct answer, 10 grains of rice are donated by sponsors to the United Nations World Food Program.
- ALA Graphics. Free mini-READ posters.
Curriculum Connections:
- Have students "copy" their book report, essay, music lyrics, political speech, or other classroom assignment. Then have students "paste" it into WORDLE. Ask them to review which words are largest and to discuss if those are the top words or messages that they want to emphasize. If it is their writing, does it make them want to consider editing their paper? If it is someone else's writing, such as a political speech, does a tool like WORDLE give new meaning or insight?
- Challenge students to Traveler IQ. Offer students your library world globe as a study tool. This game is ideal for students to increase their world view.
Suggested "tags" or labels: search engines, WORDLE,