
#15 (WEEK 6) Read some perspectives on Web 2.0. Future of Libraries

Library 2.0 is term used to describe a new set of concepts for developing and delivering library services in the 21st century. The name, as you may guess, is an extension of Web 2.0 and shares many of its same philosophies and concepts including harnessing the user in both design and implementation of services, embracing constant change as a development cycle over the traditional notion of upgrades, and reworking library services to meet the users in their space, as opposed to ours (libraries, school libraries.)

Many have argued that the notion of Library 2.0 is more than just a term used to describe concepts that merely revolve around the use of technology; it also a term that can be used to describe both physical and mindset changes that are occurring within libraries to make our spaces and services more user-centric and inviting. Others within the profession have asserted that libraries have always been 2.0: collaborative, customer friendly, and welcoming. But no matter which side of the debate proponents fall, both sides agree that libraries of tomorrow, even five or ten years from now, will look substantially different from libraries today!

Discovery Exercise:
  1. Read two or three of the perspectives on Library 2.0 from the list below. Create a blog post about your thoughts on any one of these. How will you share what you learn with others at your school or district?
  2. Library 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you? What does it mean for school libraries? How will you explain it to your school community? What are other words to describe web 2.0 or library 2.0 -- tools for 21st century learning and teaching? Will you refer to the CSLA's "Best Sellers" Campaign for Strong School Libraries handouts?
  3. Go online and look at the program titles for your state or national library conference. Count how many are about using new media, social networking, web 2.0 or other technology. What are their titles? What are the program descriptions. Create a blog post about what you see other librarians presenting on, and which program you'd most like to attend and why.
Discovery Resources:
Five Perspectives:
(Note: The term Library 2.0 is getting to be "old hat" for librarians that have used web 2.0 tools for the past 3-5 years. Read these to catch up to those librarians who have a few years' head start.)
Curriculum Connections:
Idea #1: Work with classroom teachers to see which ones have student projects related to "issues of the day", "writing a controversial essay", "Science Fiction or Future Fact?", or journalism. Be sure to refer to the curriculum content standard and/or Model School Library Content Standard addressed by the project.

Idea #2:
Use the HORIZON REPORT and have students compare technology applications for the current year and past 2-3 years. How many application expectations were "spot on", "fizzled out" or were "left in the dust" of other more compelling or better marketed applications, and how many applications changed significantly due to how students used it? Arrange for the students to present their findings at a school board meeting or library special event.

We hope you're enjoying all the exercises you've done so far. Keep having fun exploring and thinking about Web 2.0/Library 2.0/School Library 2.0

Suggested "tags" or labels: technology trends, web 2.0, Library 2.0, new media